October 20, 2011

Elevator Speeches

I want to take some time to discuss elevator speeches (a.k.a. elevator pitches, 30-second resume, etc.) and their importance as a young professional.  First, lets talk about why it's called an elevator speech.  Because, let's be honest, the elevator is probably the most awkward place to have a conversation with a complete stranger.  I would argue that 99% of elevator speeches never happen in elevators at all.  So, what gives?

Well the way I've best heard it explained is as follows: You bump into a business executive in the lobby of your office building.  You say hello and mention that you have this project idea you want to discuss.  They are a busy person, so they tell you that you have until the elevator gets to their floor, and then they need to get to a meeting.  Ready ... Set ... Go!

So, let's take a closer look at what an elevator speech is and how it can be used outside of this example.  Usha Krishnan Sliva describes an elevator speech as a statement that clearly illustrates who you are, what you do, and makes the person you're talking to interested in hearing more.  Usha highlights that this speech need not be given only to the top executive in the elevator.  Rather, this speech can be delivered when meeting any new person - at a conference, during a networking meeting, at a local bar, and so much more.

With this, it becomes apparent that not one elevator speech will get all the jobs done.  You wouldn't want to go to a first grade career day and talk to the 6 year-olds  about TPS reports, Fortune 500 companies, or SAP software solutions.  Also, you don't want to stutter over your words when someone at a networking event asks you to explain what it is that you do.  So to be successful in both of these situations, you should make sure that you Practice, Practice, Practice!  Practice so much that you can give your speech without thought and adapt to your current audience instantaneously.

Now, I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat with excitement about all the great people you're going to meet and give your "speech" to, but you ask, "Jason, what exactly should I say?"  Well, great question.  Each person's speech should be different and reflect not only what you do, but also your personality.  Heather Huhman highlights that elevator speeches should generally have these components:
  • Who you are - your name and position
  • What you are seeking - job, client, network contact
  • What you can offer - you need to be of value to your audience
  • Request action - explain your expectation moving forward

Finally, your speech should be short - under a minute for sure, and within 30 seconds if you can.  Any longer than that, you start to seem self-centered and lose your audience's interest.  Like I mentioned above, your goal is to get to the end of your pitch and have your audience interested in hearing more.

I've found some examples of elevator speeches, but its hard to find great examples that will fit you.  You are different than everyone else.  You have different job roles, different experiences, and a different personality.  Examples may help, but you should focus on your own way of delivering a speech.

Well, there you have it ... Get out there and work on your speeches.  If you ever find me standing in an elevator next to you, feel free to give me your speech.  I'll be sure to give you mine right back.  (I just hope we have a tall building ...)

September 21, 2011

Use Social Media Effectively

I don't know about you, but I sometimes feel like it can be so hard to keep up with social media.  Even if I login everyday, I have 300+ Facebook news feeds and 50+ tweets to look at.  And that's not it.  Then, I have to keep track of Linkedin, Google+, YouTube, Google Reader, Foursquare, Yelp, and so much more.  On top of this, I have e-mails, text messages, and phone calls to deal with too.  Then, once I feel like I get a handle on everything, Facebook goes and changes their home screen, and I have to relearn how to use it effectively!  Come on!  Sometimes, I just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel!

Recently, PricewaterhouseCoopers (now PwC) highlighted the need for young professionals to embrace social media in order to effectively build their networks.  I found two parts of their presentation particularly interesting:  making over your online image and developing your personal brand.  Take a look at the thoughts they have to share:

Online Image Make-Over
  • Study profiles of people you admire in order to understand what, where, and how they post
  • Beef up your Linkedin profile with a headline, specialties, experience, apps, and recommendations
  • Make Facebook more professional by adding work experience, incorporate professional pages and events into your account, and remove inappropriate material
  • Use Twitter appropriately and connect it with Linkedin or add it to your e-mail signature
    • Follow companies and people you admire in the professional world
    • Tweet professional events you are attending and books you are reading

Develop Your Personal Brand
The people in your personal and professional networks can have a large impact on the way other people see you (especially potential clients and employers).
  • Spend as much effort (if not more) on building relationships than skills
    • Don't just look toward your network when you need something; make sure you develop genuine relationships
  • Make sure you have an accurate, up-to-date database of people in your network
    • Keep track of important information about the people (birthdays, hobbies, connections, etc.)
  • Connect with your network on multiple social media sites
    • Share short hellos and interesting articles to show interest in your network
  • Join groups in addition to connecting with people
    • Groups show dedication and interest in your field
  • Go the extra mile and be thoughtful
    • Send "happy birthday" and holiday messages with a personal touch
    • Reach out to connections to ask if there is something you can do for them
  • Share what you are doing in your life
    • Update at least once a week about books you're reading and events you're attending
    • Invite people to support events and organizations your involved with

Well, there you go.  A quick summary of why we can't just through in the towel and give up on social media.  Networking is becoming more important in succeeding as a young professional, and social media is a component of networking that isn't going anywhere.  I'd like to finish with an experiment, and I could use you're help...

This is where you come in (ACTION REQUIRED)
If you have come across this blog post via a social media sites, add a comment below by clicking where it says "comments" and let me know how you got here(Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, etc.).

Also, if you liked what PwC and I have to say, share it with your own social media network.

Let's see how many people we can get to comment!!!

September 19, 2011

Business Consulting

When you first look at the list of the top three careers highlighted in my last post, you may think to yourself.  "Jason, these are all over the place.  This process didn't help at all."  My friend, I respectfully disagree.  If we look closer at the three careers, I see some very common threads.  Lets start from the bottom and work our way up.

First, we have "Sales Engineer".  I've been saying all along that I am an analytical, problem-solver that likes to work with people.  Boom!  Sales - working with people.  Engineer - analytical.  Enough said?

Next, we find "Human Resources Manager".  I have to be honest.  I mostly just like the "Manager" part.  In fact, I like the manager part a lot!  Don't get me wrong - human resources is a wonderful profession.  You get to work with people constantly and develop structures to allow them to do their job.  But, the real reason this career ended number 2 is because of the "Manager".

Finally, we get to the big dog on the list - Management Consultant.  Let's see.  "Management" is the first word, so it's instantly on par with number 2 on the list.  Next we come to "Consultant", which is someone that works with people to analyze their problems and come up with a solution.  Doesn't that sound familiar? It should.  It's exactly the explanation of why Sales Engineer was so great.

In summary, a Management Consultant does the same job as a Sales Engineer, but he focuses on management structures instead of engineering products and services.  There we have it.  Connections between the top three careers as I see them, and a number one spot that appears to be the clear leader.  Winner.  Winner.  Chicken dinner!

With this said, I've put some more thought into getting into the Management Consulting industry.  I know that it is projected to be one of the fastest growing industry in the next 10 years, but I don't have much experience.  However, I have found that there are more business consulting areas that may be useful.

  • IT Consulting
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Technology Consulting
I am excited about what Management Consulting has to offer, but the industries listed above may have a very valuable role in getting me to that point.  Next, I need to take what I have learned from this reflection and apply it to my job searching efforts.  Wish me luck!

August 31, 2011

Finding Your Dream Career

Here I sit.  Thirty-some odd careers that have been researched.  A number of blog posts.  Several different categories of careers (finance, sales, engineering, education, management).  What do I do from here?

I'm going back to the beginning.  Before I looked at any of these careers, I highlighted, my skills, interests, and the importance of money.  To help me narrow down this list to something that I can work with, I'm going to use these components.

First, the skills that I highlighted as being my strongest are that I am a good problem solver and I like working with (or leading) a team.  Second, I expressed an interest in finding a career that will allow me to make a difference by helping people and working as an analyzer and/or planner.  Finally, I highlighted that money is not my main concern, but I do need to account for it.

In addition to these areas, I felt it was important to find a career with a few other characteristics.  With the economy not being incredibly strong, finding a career that will have some growth despite the poor industry will be worthwhile.  In addition, I want to be sure that I can get into the career.  Lastly, I need to feel good about what I am going to do.  I need to feel a passion for the career in my "gut".

So, here is the list of things that I want my next career to have:
  • Problem solving
  • Working with a team
  • Making a difference
  • Analyzing and/or planning
  • A good salary
  • Growth in the field
  • Ability to enter the career
  • The "gut check" factor

From this, I made a table.  The columns were made of the 8 criteria listed above.  The rows were all of the careers that I had a positive reflection on in my blog posts.  In each of the cells (where my rows meet my columns), I assigned a numerical value of 1 to 5.  "1" being a very poor representation and "5" being the best I could hope for.

I went through the whole table assigning values.  For example, Top Executives make $167,280 (higher than any other I found), so where Top Executives met Good Salary, I gave a 5.  I feel that being an Education or Career Counselor would allow me to make a big difference in people's lives.  For the Make a Difference column, I assigned another 5.

After totaling the top 15 careers from my reflection, the top three scoring careers are below:
  1. Management Consultant
  2. Human Resources Manager
  3. Sales Engineer

At first glance, these three seem quite different, but I have a feeling they are more similar than you may thing.  Next, I'm going to dissect these careers a little further to find why each ranked in the top three, and I hope this will show me where I truly want to work.  As always, I'd appreciate any comments you have!  Stay tuned!

August 30, 2011

More Management Careers

Here are the last of the management careers that I've chosen to highlight.  I hope you enjoy - there are some great careers!

Lodging Manager
  • Oversee day-to-day operations of hotels or motels
  • Make sure customers are provided with their desired experiences
Skill Set:
  • Able to communicate with a variety of people
  • Problem solver
  • Ability to remember details
  • Calm under pressure
Other Information:
  • Usually work with employees instead of only directing
  • Expected to have little growth in the next 10 years
  • Average salary: $53,500
    • Opportunity for big bonuses with good performance

It's outstanding that lodging managers work closely with their employees instead of sitting in their office and "barking out" orders.  I've always liked to lead by example and give instructions only when needed.  I also like the idea of working to make people more comfortable during their stay.  I think this would be something that I would really enjoy.  My only concern is that I have expressed an interest in planning projects or events.  I feel this career might end up being more of implementation of the same plan, instead of making new plans to accommodate changing needs.  I still think it's a great career, but I don't know if it is at the very top of my list.

Management Consultant
  • Think of ways to increase company's profit and productivity
Skill Set:
  • Strong communication skills
  • Works well with others
  • Problem solver
  • Able to juggle projects on tight deadlines
Other Information:
  • About one quarter are self-employed
  • A lot of growth in the next 10 years
  • Competitive job hunt
    • Graduate degree and sales skills are helpful
  • Average salary: $85,000

What a great career!  As a consultant, I would constantly be working on new projects.  I would be analyzing and problem solving all the time.  I would work with a lot of people, and I would make a difference in the companies that I consult.  On top of this, there is expected to be a lot of growth in the career, and the average salary is pretty notable.  I realize that it will likely be a lot of work and very competitive, but I feel that I want to learn the industry well enough to put forth the effort needed.  Very cool!

Top Executive
  • Run a business or organization
  • Combine knowledge of industry with business intelligence
Skill Set:
  • Able to analyze lots of information
  • Strong leadership, communication skills, and ability to motivate
  • Balance of being flexible and decisive
Other Information:
  • Lots of travel
  • Average salary: $167,280

The skill set for this career really speaks to me.  I feel that I would be able to fit a role like that quite well.  However, I feel that being a top executive would be a hard career to go for as a twenty-something young man just getting into the working world.  I hope that I can move into management positions throughout my career and maybe become a top executive at some point, but I don't see it as being my career path at this point in time.  Check back with me in 30 years, and you might hear something different ...

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the ride.  That concludes the list of careers that I wanted to explore.  I've enjoyed a lot of what I've seen.  Now, I'm going to take a look back at the careers and try to narrow down this list to a top three.  Tune in to find out my "dream career"!

August 29, 2011

Management Careers

As I was researching careers in the management realm, I came across many that seemed appealing at first glance.  I explored a large number of careers, and I don't feel it would be very worthwhile to highlight all of them here.  Instead, I'm going to highlight some of the ones that I was most found of.  I hope it will still give a good overview of what management careers have to offer and highlight some of my decision-making process.  If you're curious at all about the careers I'm skipping over, feel free to contact me!

Education Administrator
  • Provide direction for day-to-day management of child-care centers and schools
  • Oversee education program at other businesses and institutions
Skill Set:
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Organized and efficient
  • Able to handle day-to-day operations and long-term planning
Other Information:
  • There is expect to be little to now growth in higher education administration
  • Average salary:
    • Child-care: $48,170
    • Elementary & Secondary: $87,390
    • Higher Education: $95,340

Having spent the last two years teaching in a school, I have considered the possibility of getting into education administration somewhat.  A few of my former roommates were working on their master's degree in order to be a principal in the future.  In talking with them, I haven't always felt that being a principal is exactly what I would like to do.  I have considered, however, working in higher education as an admissions counselor, and I've also reflected on the possibility of leading education programs in a business capacity.  I think that education administration is a possibility for me, but I see it playing out in ways besides being a school principal.

Engineering and Science Manager
  • Engineering managers oversee engineers, scientists, or technicians
  • Science managers direct research and development divisions
  • Both work to translate complicated concepts to the consumer
Skill Set:
  • Good at math and science
  • Work well with people from various backgrounds
  • Able to manage a team
Other Information:
  • Most begin as an engineer or a scientist
  • Science managers are expected to have some growth, but engineering managers will see very little growth in the next 10 years
    • This can vary depending on the specific industry
  • Average salary:
    • Engineering: $122,810
    • Science: $127,000

I feel that this is another career that seems to allow me to utilize my engineering background.  I like the fact that I would work in both the engineering world and the world of the consumer.  I feel that I am able to communicate with a variety of people, and this could make me a great asset to this type of position.  The average salary for this career is much higher than the others I've found so far, which is definitely exciting.  Although, I'm curious as to how qualified I would be for this position; I may need more work experience in an engineering field to qualify.

Financial Manager
  • Oversee monetary concerns of businesses or organizations
Skill Set:
  • Problem solver
  • Clear communicator
  • Likes to work with numbers
Other Information:
  • Many work for insurance companies or banks
  • This field requires continued education to be effective
  • Job market can be very competitive
    • Having a master's degree or certification is helpful
  • Average salary: $113,730

This career seemed very appealing at first glance.  I enjoyed many of the finance careers that I looked at earlier.  Plus, I've expressed interest in managing and leading teams.  It appeared this might be a great blend of the two.  Upon a closer look, I feel the "management" part of this career is overseeing the money - not the people.  While it is still attractive, I am not overly excited about this position.

Human Resources Manager
  • Answer questions about health care
  • Work out disagreements among employees
  • Ensure employees are being treated fairly
Skill Set:
  • Clear communicator
  • Likes to meet new people
  • Able to work on many projects at once
Other Information:
  • There is expected to be a lot of growth in this field over the next 10 years
  • Average salary: $105,000

Although my source didn't mention anything about teaching/training employees, I envision there is definitely some possibility to utilize my education background in this area.  I know that this career doesn't seem to have as much of the technical components as some of my recent searches, but I see plenty of opportunity for problem solving and critical thinking.  I also would definitely get plenty of opportunity to work with a lot of people to help them in their job responsibilities.  I didn't necessarily have high hopes for this career at first, but I'm very pleasantly surprised!

So, there is a little taste of some of the management careers that I was drawn toward.  Tune in tomorrow, because I have a few more careers that I think are worth mentioning!

August 23, 2011

More Sales Careers

Well, yesterday, I explored some of what the world of sales has to offer.  Take a look at a few other options that I missed!

Sales Representative (Wholesale and Manufacturing)
  • Sell products from manufacturers to wholesalers
  • Sell products from wholesalers to retailers
Skill Set:
  • Like to interact and form relationships with people
  • Persuasive communicator
  • Works well with a team, but can work well alone
Other Information:
  • Sales reps may work with an engineer for complex products
  • Salaries are usually based on commission
  • Average salary:
    • Technical or scientific products - $81,370
    • Other products - $61,400

I like to work with people and build relationships with them.  This field seems as though it would allow me to do that both with my clients as well as with a team of sales reps.  Also, I come from an engineering background which could make me more marketable in selling the technical products.  I might be mistaken in that assumption, but I figure it couldn't hurt too much!

Sales Worker Supervisor
  • Heads a sales team
  • Keeps track of inventory
  • Makes sure customers are happy
Skill Set:
  • A self-starter who can make quick decisions
  • Able to get along with a variety of people
  • Organize and communicate with staff efficiently
Other Information:
  • Expected to have very slow growth in the next 10 years
  • Supervisors usually work long hours and weekends
  • Having sales experience helps to get in the field
  • Average salary: $39,130

I definitely think of myself as a self-starter, and I get along very well with many different people.  I have had some leadership positions, and have very much enjoyed managing a team of people.  These make me excited about this career.  However, I'm worried about the slow growth that is expected.  Also, the average salary is a little lower that I would have thought.  A lot of work with not much reward - I'm not so sure.

Travel Agent
  • Help people plan trips all over the world
Skill Set:
  • Loves to travel and explore new things
  • Problem solver
  • Enjoys helping others
Other Information:
  • Many travel agents specialize in one area or type of travel
  • There is expected to be little or no growth in the field over the next 10 years
    • Receiving training and becoming specialized helps
  • Average salary: $32,450

I do enjoy traveling, but I don't know if I would say that I love it.  I am interested in finding a career that helps people, and I want  to do some sort of problem solving.  All good things!  Again, I'm worried about the growth in the field.  The fact that there is expected to be no growth means that the only spot I would be able to fill is the spot of someone that leaves.  Not too promising, if you ask me.  Plus, the average salary is not incredibly exciting.

That's what I found on some of the interesting fields in sales.  When I was looking at the sales worker supervisor, I was reminded of how much I enjoyed holding leadership positions while I was in college.  I seemed to have a great ability there too.  Perhaps, my next venture into the world of business should be centered on management positions.  I have a feeling this could get exciting!

August 22, 2011

Sales Careers

When I was in high school, I worked for a local bakery.  As part of my job, I took our bread to a flea market and sold it to people.  I would stand there with samples of bread on the table ready to be sliced and yell out, "Free bread samples!  Come and get 'em!"  Now, this wasn't some marketing genius that I came up with.  I was just doing what my boss told me.  On my second day at the flea market, the woman in the booth next to me said, "I've been here for 30 years, and I've never seen anyone sell like you.  How long you been doing this?"  I answered, "I just started yesterday!"  Well, I've had a few other "sales" experiences since then, and I have seemed to have an ability to sell.  Now, I'm not saying I'm the best sales person around, but I figured this might be a good place to look after the wonderful world of finance.

Insurance Sales Agent
  • Help people select policies for life, health, and property
Skill Set:
  • Outgoing and confident
  • Good communication of technical information
  • Flexible
  • Interested in continued education
Other Information:
  • Online companies have slightly reduced the need for agents
  • Beginners can have trouble getting enough clients to earn a living
  • Pay may be on commission alone or a combination of commission and base salary
  • Average salary: $61,330

I haven't always thought of insurance as an exciting place to make a career.  I can't come up with a reason why I shouldn't consider this career, but there doesn't seem to be much about the career that gets me really excited.  I will definitely keep it in mind, but I'm betting there is something out there that I will feel more passionate about!

Real Estate Broker and Sales Agent
  • Sell people's properties
  • Help buyers to find the right property for them
Skill Set:
  • Aggressive personality
  • Strong math skill
  • Interest in the economy
Other Information:
  • Brokers and agents typically work evenings and weekends
  • Need a license to work in the field
  • Typically easy to start, but can be hard to earn a living with a poor economy
  • Average salary:
    • Broker - $78,360
    • Agent - $53,100

I've always thought that being a real estate agent would be exciting - taking people around to houses; showing all the great things that properties have to offer; working with people to try to help them find their "dream home".  That seems great!  I'm worried about the skill set of this field, though.  I wouldn't necessarily call myself an aggressive personality.  Also, I like to stay informed of what is going on in the economy, but I don't particularly have a high interest in it.  For these reasons, I'm not sure real estate agent is the career for me.

Sales Engineer
  • Sell complex products and services
  • Help clients choose, customize, and troubleshoot products
Skill Set:
  • Being a math fan that likes to persuade people
  • Likes knowing how things work
  • Likes to travel and talk with people
Other Information:
  • Many sales engineers start as engineers
  • Hours are usually set by each person
  • Average salary: $90,540
    • Incentives are often given for good performance

I come from an engineering background.  As I mentioned, I seem to have an ability to sell.  So far so good.  I like the idea of traveling to meet with people and help them find which products or services will fit their business the best.  I definitely like understanding how things work.  I think I've found a definite career possibility.  Stick around to see!

Well, there you have it.  Selling insurance, real estate, and complex engineering products.  I think I like what I've seen so far, so tune in next time as I look at other careers in the sales world.  See you then!

August 19, 2011

More Finance Careers

As promised, I've looked at some more careers in the world of finance.  Enjoy!

Meeting and Convention Planner
  • Organize events for businesses and organizations
  • Travel to many places
  • Meet and work with a lot of people
  • Juggle a large number of details related to planning events
Skill Set:
  • Personable, organized communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Work well under pressure and at a fast pace
Other Information:
  • Long hours are usually worked immediately before and during events
  • This field can be sensitive to the economy
  • Average salary: $48,060

I definitely have an interest in planning events.  Also, I'm very detail focused and work well under pressure.  I am also drawn to the fact that I could work with a number of people in this field and act as a leader to help the events run smoothly.  I'm also not opposed to traveling.  I wouldn't say I want to be on the road all the time, but I do enjoy going to new places!  (Sorry this career doesn't fit as well in the finance category, but a nice career none-the-less!)

Personal Financial Planner
  • Help people manage their money (short term and long term)
  • Decide on investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more
Skill Set:
  • Good listener and clear communicator
  • Problem solver who likes to work with numbers
Other Information:
  • Expected to be one of the fastest growing fields in the next 10 years
  • Tends to be a large amount of competition
  • Average salary: $94,180

I do like problem solving, and I love working with numbers.  I've also always been a saver, so although I don't have an expertise in financial advising, I do have a saving mindset.  However, just as I commented on the financial analyst career yesterday, I don't find the stock market a compelling component.  I definitely like this career better than financial analyst, but I don't know that it really speaks to me.

Real Estate Appraiser
  • Decide how much buildings and lands are worth
  • Inspect properties, compare to similar properties, and study their locations
Skill Set:
  • Math fan
  • Good communicator
Other Information:
  • Need a license to work as an appraiser
  • Once licensed, you can appraise other things (i.e. jewelry)
  • Expect to have little growth in the next 10 years
  • Jobs depend on the house market
  • Average salary: $53,520

I like the idea of systematically looking at a building or a property and establishing a price.  This reminds me a lot of the cost estimator that I talked about yesterday.  However, I am a little concerned about how much this career works in a team.  In my mind, an appraiser is a lone guy going to a property and giving a report to the client when it's all said and done.  If this is the case, I don't know how compelled I'd be to take on this career, but I could quite possibly be mistaken.  I'll definitely keep this career in mind, but I will need to research it more before being able to make a decision.

Well, that's what I've come up with for the wonderful world of finance.  I have to say, I've been surprised.  Perhaps, I had a mental block about this field.  I don't know why, but I think it existed.  However, my love for math and problem solving seems to fit well in a lot of the careers I've found.  Now, I'll look at other aspects of the business world.  Sales.  Marketing.  Management.  I don't know!  Keep tuning in to see where this journey goes next.

August 18, 2011

Business and Finance Careers

I've decided to put my search in the education realm on the side for the moment.  Notice that I didn't say that I'm closing the door, but I thought I would explore some of what the business world has to offer.  Below are some of the lovely business and finance careers that I've found.

Budget Analyst
  • Creates, studies, and oversees budgets of organizations and businesses
  • About 40% work for federal, state, or local government
Skill Set:
  • Good with numbers
  • Clear communicator and effective leader
  • Problem solver
  • Able to juggle projects with tight deadlines
Other Information:
  • Because the information budget analysts give is so important, they are not often laid off
  • Average salary: $69,240

I've heard some good financial benefits for working for the government.  The first component that Ari Chatz discussed in job searching is the value of money.  This security may be helpful in providing for that future family I keep mentioning!  I don't really have anything negative to say about budget analysts.  I like working with numbers and problem-solving.  I would definitely get to work with other people.  On the contrary, this career doesn't seem to jump out to me as something I would love to do.  Perhaps, I should leave it alone for now and come back to see if my feelings change.  Any thoughts/advice on this would be greatly appreciated!

Buyer and Purchaser
  • Looks for high-quality products or services at low costs
  • Buyers look for products that can be resold to the public
  • Purchasers look for supplies/services for organizations to use
Skill Set:
  • Risk taking
  • Problem solving
  • Strong research skills
  • Clear communication
  • Leader as well as working well with a team
Other Information
  • Typically need work experience
  • Buyers usually come from engineering, business, economics, or an applied science
  • Purchasers usually need a master's degree
  • Average salary:
    • Buyer - $55,480
    • Purchaser - $58,550

I would not really call myself a risk taker.  Not that I'm afraid to risk or that I wouldn't risk to some extent.  However, the fact that one of the main skills mentioned for this career is taking risks makes me nervous.  I think this alone is enough to keep me from going into the career.  I know that my engineering experience may be helpful, but I think I'd like a career with perhaps less risk.

Cost Estimator
  • Figures out costs of construction projects and manufacturing products
  • Accounts for price of materials, cost of labor, effects of climate, and more
  • Experienced analysts can work independently as a consultant
Skill Set:
  • Being a math fan
  • Good at planning and organizing
  • Enjoy comparison shopping
Other Information:
  • Having work experience helps getting into the career
  • Can be a stressful career, which can allow for high turn-over
  • The industry tends to slow with poor economy
  • Average salary: $61,190
    • Engineers tend to start with higher salaries

Well, I am definitely a big fan of math, and I love "number crunching".  Not to mention, I come from an engineering background - which seems to be an advantage in this field.  I'm not entirely sure how I feel about comparison shopping, but I guess I'm essentially doing that with this career search.  I'm a little concerned that jobs might be hard to find in this struggling economy, but overall, I like what I'm seeing!

Financial Analyst
  • Helps organizations come up with investment strategies
  • Spots stock market trends
  • Keeps tabs on up-and-coming companies
Skill Set:
  • Organized
  • Like to work with numbers
  • Quick thinking at problem solving
  • Clear communicator
Other Information
  • Days are usually filled with phone calls and meetings, so evenings usually mean time for research
  • Currently a growing industry
  • Having a master's degree in business or finance can be a help
  • Bonus checks are often available for good financial advice
  • Average salary: $85,240

Stock market.  I've never been a big fan or really understood how it all works.  I could definitely learn, but I'm not sure this career would be for me.  I definitely am drawn toward the problem solving, working with numbers, and communicating with others aspects of this job.  However, this career doesn't seem to fit my skills enough to inspire me to really learn the world of stock market finances.  Thanks, financial analysts, but I think I'm going to pass on this one.

Well, I went looking to explore the world of business, but I think I got more of a tour of the finance world.  I'm not really disappointed.  I guess I was just thinking this step would be a little different.  I do love number crunching, so I think I should look more into the world of finance careers.  Don't worry, I'm sure I'll look more into the world of business.  For right now, my curiosity is not yet fulfilled.  Tune in for more to come!

August 17, 2011

Education Services

Well, I wasn't entirely sure where to start on exploring the careers that might blend my skills and interests together, so I decided to start with the realm of education.  My most recent experience is as a middle school math teacher.  Because of this, I decided to make education my starting point, and we shall see where it leads from here.

Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors
  • Provide academic and career counseling to students and adults
  • Most professionals are located in schools
  • Counselors outside of schools are often called career counselors
Skill Set:
  • Like to help others
  • Able to inspire trust in others
  • Work individually as well as on a team
Other Information:
  • This field is expected to grow over the next 10 years
  • Average salary: $55,030

This career definitely seems to be one that would allow me to make a difference by helping other people.  Also, there is an analytical or problem-solving component to helping people navigate their school or career.  I'm not sure if my current career search would be a help or a detriment to my ability to give advice.  Any thoughts?

Adult Educator
  • Teach adults a variety of subjects at community colleges, adult high schools, university extension programs, and prisons.
  • Adult educators are often part-time employees
Skill Set:
  • Interest in educating adults
    • Adults are more developed than children, but they can also be less flexible
    • On the contrary, adults in school usually know what they need to learn and why
Other Information:
  • Adult Educators that can teach English Second Language (ESL) are in high demand
  • Average pay: $24.23 per hour

I think it would be very interesting to teach adults instead of children.  It would definitely change the dynamics of planning and classroom management.  However, I'm concerned about the fact that it is mostly a part-time career - may make it hard to provide for the family I'm planning on having.

Instructional Coordinator
  • Measure student learning
  • Work with and train teachers
  • Develop and order educational materials
  • Instructional Coordinators are often specialized in one subject area

Skill Set:
  • Good at making decisions
  • Well-organized
  • Able to balance working with people, books, and technology

Other Information:
  • Most demand is in reading, math, science, and technology
  • Average salary: $61,270

At the school where I taught, I was the only middle school math teacher, which meant that I was in charge of developing the math curriculum and instruction for all of the middle school students.  I very much enjoyed this part of my job, and I also enjoyed working with other teachers.  These seem like good reasons to look more at this field.  (Not to mention my math specialty is a plus!)

Well, this is the start of my search of careers.  I'll keep these in mind, but my next post may be outside of the education realm.  Therefore, you should stay tuned to see where this journey may lead me.  Thanks for joining, and don't forget to comment on your thoughts!

August 5, 2011

Skills and Interests Inventory (for FREE!)

Have you ever taken one of those career inventories?  The ones that are supposed to tell you what exactly you are good at and what drives you.  Then it's supposed to highlight the path that would be best for you.  Well, I have taken many of them, and I have struggled to find the right path for me.  I have always been a fairly well-rounded guy, which means that I have no overwhelming group of skills that clearly shows what career path I should be taking.  Every time I take one of these inventories, I feel like our friend here - confused.

There are numerous sites that offer these inventories, and many of them can be very helpful.  I however, have taken a similar opinion to Ari Chatz - taking a much simpler (and free) approach to this inventory can save you time, money, and maybe even a headache.

In a blog on loosen.com, Ari highlights the three main things to consider when looking for a career:
  1. The value one has for money
  2. Establishing one's skills
  3. Establishing one's interests
After some reflection on the three areas above, I have come up with a few thoughts.  As far as how I value money, I know that I want to one day have a family of my own.  I know that making a decent wage will be important to fulfill this dream.  However, I would hate to make this wage while working at a job that I hate.  Because of this, I put the passion for my job over the amount of money that I will make (but money shall ever be present in the back of my mind).

Secondly, I thought of the many organizations, groups, and jobs that I have been a part of.  As I remembered my time with each step of my journey so far, I wrote down the skills that I felt I used to be successful at that time.  After coming up with a fair list, I have highlighted the three "trends" that I noticed:

  1. Analyzing and problem solving
  2. Detail focused (without loosing sight of the big picture)
  3. Working with or leading a team
Finally, I thought about what I would want out of my next career moving forward.  I made note of the interests that I have had in past endeavors and how they have shaped what I look for in the future.  Again, I noticed three "trends":
  1. Making a difference by helping people
  2. Analyzing and planning (events, projects, etc.)
  3. Communicating with people (anywhere from coworkers to public speaking)
So, there you have it.  Summed up in a nutshell, I am analytic and like to work with people.  I know that this exercise hasn't yet laid out a clear path to what I should do in my career, but I feel more connected to what I've come up with than most (if not all) of the assessments I've done in the past.

Tune in for future blogs as I explore careers that I feel will combine my skills and my interests.  In addition, I encourage all of you to let me know if you have any ideas of where I might find a career that blends the above together.  So, comment away!

August 1, 2011


Greetings!  Welcome to my blog.  I am a twenty-something man that is attempting to determine what I would like to do with for my career.  Let me explain my situation a little more, so you can understand what is motivating me.

I have been a student as long as I can remember.  Literally!  My day care when I was a child was at a university where college students helped to run the day care and teach preschool.  My love for being a student has not stopped.  (According to the StrengthsFinder test, one of my top strengths is "Learner")  On the contrary, I have struggled to find the same love for the jobs I have had.

In college I got a Civil Engineering degree and worked for three semesters at engineering firms while still in school.  I spent the two years after college doing service.  I was a 6th-8th grade math teacher in a small Catholic school.  Even though I love math, I have since learned that I am in the vast minority.  (I know.  Shocker, right?!?!)

I loved my experience as an engineer; I loved being a teacher; and I have always loved being a student.  However, I am still searching for what exactly I should do in my career now that I am no longer a classroom student.  Let's be honest, we are all students in a class call life!

This blog will hopefully communicate my journey in trying to find my "dream job" - the one that requires the unique set of skills that I myself possess.  I hope followers can learn from what I have done (or haven't done correctly) as I move through this process.

Also, I encourage you to comment on posts as much as you can.  Learning comes in many ways, and I hope to learn as much from you as you can learn from me.  I hope you enjoy the ride!