September 19, 2011

Business Consulting

When you first look at the list of the top three careers highlighted in my last post, you may think to yourself.  "Jason, these are all over the place.  This process didn't help at all."  My friend, I respectfully disagree.  If we look closer at the three careers, I see some very common threads.  Lets start from the bottom and work our way up.

First, we have "Sales Engineer".  I've been saying all along that I am an analytical, problem-solver that likes to work with people.  Boom!  Sales - working with people.  Engineer - analytical.  Enough said?

Next, we find "Human Resources Manager".  I have to be honest.  I mostly just like the "Manager" part.  In fact, I like the manager part a lot!  Don't get me wrong - human resources is a wonderful profession.  You get to work with people constantly and develop structures to allow them to do their job.  But, the real reason this career ended number 2 is because of the "Manager".

Finally, we get to the big dog on the list - Management Consultant.  Let's see.  "Management" is the first word, so it's instantly on par with number 2 on the list.  Next we come to "Consultant", which is someone that works with people to analyze their problems and come up with a solution.  Doesn't that sound familiar? It should.  It's exactly the explanation of why Sales Engineer was so great.

In summary, a Management Consultant does the same job as a Sales Engineer, but he focuses on management structures instead of engineering products and services.  There we have it.  Connections between the top three careers as I see them, and a number one spot that appears to be the clear leader.  Winner.  Winner.  Chicken dinner!

With this said, I've put some more thought into getting into the Management Consulting industry.  I know that it is projected to be one of the fastest growing industry in the next 10 years, but I don't have much experience.  However, I have found that there are more business consulting areas that may be useful.

  • IT Consulting
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Technology Consulting
I am excited about what Management Consulting has to offer, but the industries listed above may have a very valuable role in getting me to that point.  Next, I need to take what I have learned from this reflection and apply it to my job searching efforts.  Wish me luck!

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